Who we are

Founded in 2001 as micro-biolytics GmbH and later transformed into CLADE, the company has accumulated more than two decades of experience with MIR-based solutions. CLADE combines proprietary MIR-based spectroscopy with in-house software and algorithms. As a supplier to the biopharma and chemical industries, CLADE supports its partners in quality control of everything from basic chemicals to biopharmaceutical products. With a team of more than 60 experts from over 10 nations, the company promotes innovation at its locations in Esslingen, Frankfurt and Berlin. 


Michael Straub


Artur Arsenio

Head of Research & Development

Dr. Björn Hoffmann

Head of Data Science

Dr. Promit Ray

Head of Sales & Marketing

Gürkan Korkmaz

Head of Operations

Alexander Sommer

Head of Software Engineering

Valentin Busch